My experiences teaching maths mastery with children taking their first steps in maths have been so powerful, creative and fun that I wanted to share them. I hope you enjoy the resources and teaching early maths mastery as much as I do!
My experiences teaching maths mastery with children taking their first steps in maths have been so powerful, creative and fun that I wanted to share them. I hope you enjoy the resources and teaching early maths mastery as much as I do!
Help children develop their spatial reasoning skills and growing shape knowledge with this second Early Years shape mastery unit complete with hands-on, engaging, independent activity ideas, planned whole class inputs and small group work .
Developed for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Activities are designed to encourage children to think about the shapes they select, to rotate and manipulate them and compose and decompose both 2D and 3D shapes. Shape-based language is scaffolded and moved on in context, making the learning meaningful and long-term
Planning is provided for one week including:
daily inputs
an adult-led focus activity
engaging independent activities allowing children to make choices about their own learning
notes on key concepts and common misconceptions
ideas for keep up support
greater depth extensions
mastery questioning prompts for adults
A printed resources file and accompanying presentation is also included in your download.
Looking for more maths mastery resources for Reception?
Numbers 0-10
Composition of Numbers to 10
Numbers beyond 10
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop to explore further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
Begin your maths mastery journey in Reception with this Pattern unit of work for Autumn 1. This is much more than just weekly plans; included in this download you will find:
A comprehensive planning document
A resources file for printing to support the unit’s activities
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan for Reception covering the Number and Numerical Patterns Early Learning Goals as well as other aspects of a rich mathematics provision
Key ideas and common misconceptions
A range of enhanced provision activity ideas and notes on progression
Question prompts for adults working with the children
‘Keep up’ support ideas
Greater depth challenge ideas and suggested extensions
Pattern is at the heart of mathematics and its importance shouldn’t be underestimated in early mathematics teaching. This comprehensive unit for EYFS will encourage your pupils to notice, explore and generalise patterns in a fun and age-appropriate way.
The unit includes a range of activities, either for continuous provision or for a specifically maths-focused number time, as well as maths inputs and small group work. Due to the open-ended, inclusive nature of the planning, many activities will also be suitable or easy to adapt for preschool children. There is a great deal of variation, scaffolding and over-learning to enable all children to “keep up”. Lots of opportunities for challenge are also presented. Some of the extensions are beyond the scope of many pupils starting school or in preschool, however, they are included to enable you and your staff to cater for gifted pupils and also understand how to extend pupils as they move through the learning journey.
Click HERE to save 15% with the entire 12 week Autumn term bundle, which includes Pattern, Numbers 0-10, Sorting and Comparing, Measures and Shapes.
If you are following the Early Maths Mastery long term plan, this is Unit 1 and falls in Week 1 of the autumn term.
Hopefully this resource will have more than you need to give your pupils a rich and solid understanding of pattern. Have fun!
Interested in more Early Maths Mastery planning? Take a look at:
Unit 2: Numbers 0 - 10
Unit 3: Sorting and Comparing
Unit 4: Measures
Unit 5: Shapes (1)
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters non-statutory curriculum guidance
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop for further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
This comprehensive maths mastery planning for Reception will give your pupils lots of hands-on experience of breaking down and combining numbers to 10 in a range of contexts.
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Children will develop a deeper understanding of numbers to 10 as they explore the composition of these numbers, building a solid understanding of the concepts that underpin addition and subtraction as they get older.
Planning is provided for the Spring term of Reception for 3 weeks, including daily inputs, adult-led focus activities each week and wide range of engaging, independent activities that allow children to make choices with their own learning. Using story-telling and experimental play, they learn that numbers can be partitioned and combined and also secure their understanding of the word ‘equal’.
Importantly, children will build on previous subitising work and take their first steps as conceptual subitisers - something that makes them feel very clever!
This resource includes:
A comprehensive planning document
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan for Reception covering the Number and Numerical Patterns Early Learning Goals
Key ideas and common misconceptions
A focus activity each week
A range of independent activities and notes on progression
Question prompts for adults working with the children
‘Keep up’ support ideas
Greater depth challenge ideas and suggested extensions
A resource file for printing to support and extend the unit’s activities
Six accompanying presentations
Embedded opportunities to revisit prior learning
If you are interested in further Early Maths Mastery resources, try:
Unit 4: Measures
Unit 5: Shapes (1)
Unit 5: Shapes (2)
Unit 6: 1 more and 1 less
Subitising game - Little Red Riding Hood (FREE)
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop on TES to explore further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
Explore the 1 more and 1 less than relationship between consecutive numbers to further deepen children’s understanding of numbers to 10 with this detailed maths mastery unit of work for EYFS.
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Planning is provided for one week, including daily inputs, an adult-led focus activity, key concepts, common misconceptions, keep-up support and challenge ideas as well as a range of engaging, independent activities that allow Early Years children to make choices with their own learning.
37 pages of printable resources are included with this download as well as a 1 more, 1 less PowerPoint presentation to support the daily inputs. Extensions and mastery questioning for each independent activity mean learning is developed through the week and ensures all adults working with the children understand the learning journey, what to look out for and how to support or extend pupils appropriately.
The planned activities can be presented as part of your enhanced provision, or as a dedicated ‘Numbertime’ session. The planned inputs and focus activity should be delivered to mixed ability groups so that all children are exposed to the same rich language and ideas.
What’s included in this download?
A detailed planning document
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan
A printed resources file to support the planning
Key ideas and common misconceptions
A focus activity
A range of independent activities and notes on progression
Key questions for adults working with children
Keep-up support ideas
Greater depth challenges/extensions
Prompt cards detailing key questions and extensions for each activity
A 1 more, 1 less PowerPoint presentation
Further Early Maths Mastery resources include:
Numbers 0 - 10
Sorting and comparing
Shapes 1
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop to find further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
This comprehensive Early Years maths mastery planning will help your pupils to lay down solid foundations and foster flexible thinking with numbers 0 - 10.
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Planning is provided for the Autumn term of Reception for 7 weeks, including daily inputs, adult-led focus activities each week and a wide range of engaging, independent activities that allow children to make choices with their own learning.
Click HERE to save 15% with the entire 12 week Autumn term bundle, which includes Pattern, Numbers 0-10, Sorting and Comparing, Measures and Shapes.
Notes are provided each week on key concepts, common misconceptions and errors, ideas for keep up support, greater depth extensions and mastery questioning so that all adults working with the children understand the learning journey, what to look out for and how to support or extend pupils appropriately. It is vitally important for teachers and TAs to have this information to hand so that opportunities to clarify or extend thinking are not missed. High quality conversations with pupils and beautifully timed ‘learning nudges’ will take your provision to the next level.
What is included in this unit?
A detailed planning document for 7 weeks of mastery on numbers 0 - 10 (21 pages)
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan
7 printed resources files to accompany each week’s planning
A massive 84 slide PowerPoint show introducing Numbers to 10, with slide references in the planning
Missing egg problem-solving PowerPoint show for numbers to 5
Big Bad Wolf subitising PowerPoint show (available FREE from the Early Maths Mastery shop)
Subitising in art PowerPoint show (also available for FREE from the Early Maths Mastery shop)
Conceptual subitising PowerPoint show
Key ideas and common misconceptions for each week
Weekly adult-led focus activities
Planned daily inputs
A wide range of weekly independent activities, including extension and questioning ideas for each activity
‘Keep up’ support ideas each week
Greater depth challenges
Feedback for Early Maths Mastery learning
“I just wanted to take the opportunity to say how impressed I’ve been with Molly’s progress in maths this year. Whatever approach you’re using it has worked wonders with her. Her understanding of it all and the connections she is making has really blown me away so thank you for all your input!”
Mother of 5 year old Molly.
“It’s hard to spot the less able children in this class. You will have a significant proportion of children working at greater depth by the end of the year.”
Local Lead Practitioner
Every single Reception Early Maths Mastery paid resource in one awesome bundle! This is much more than simply planning documents (although there’s 22 weeks’ worth of those).
Included in these units of work are:
over 400 pages of printed resources to support teaching and enhanced provision in Early Years
180 ideas for enhanced provision activities
misconceptions and key ideas highlighted within each unit
high quality, mastery question prompts
ideas for keep up work or extension
19 powerpoint/pdf presentations to support teaching inputs
That’s hours and hours of work - all done for you!
**With a total value of £80, this bundle saves you 25% off the cost of buying everything individually. **
Check out this FREE sample taster unit before you buy. All Early Maths Mastery planning follows this format so you can be assured that the same high-quality, research-based planning, support information and range of activities will be included with any unit of work that you download.
Included in this bundle are the following units of work:
Numbers 0-10
Sorting and Comparing
Shape (units 1 and 2)
1 more and 1 less
Calculation within 10
Numbers beyond 10
Plus a bonus Christmas problem-solving activity!
This equates to over half the year’s planning - woo hoo! :)
What’s inside the locked case? Solve the clues to find the code and unlock the surprise!
This engaging and hands on early years maths problem-solving activity gives children practise with core number (0 - 10) and shape skills in an exciting Christmas-themed context that will have them hooked.
Instructions, clues for the code and ideas for adaptation and extension are included in this download, You will need to source a 6-digit combination lock and surprise rewards yourself. However, if you are unable to get a real lock, there is a printable lock template included that you could use instead.
My class loved this activity and were so excited and determined about unlocking the case - it was a real joy!
This hands-on unit of work will have your Early Years children sorting and comparing like masters in no time!
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Sorting and comparing helps children to look at relationships and attributes, as well as how rules apply to sets. Further down the line, children who can sort confidently have one of the building blocks for algebraic thinking securely in place.
This unit has been placed in the Autumn term for Reception as sorting should be taught early on but it should also form part of your ongoing provision - lots of exposure to sorting and comparing is key! Examples might include sorting pencils into pots by colour, storing bricks by shape, grouping mud kitchen equipment by material and so on.
The unit plan was written with Reception children in mind but the activity ideas can be used or easily adapted for pre-school children as well.
Click HERE to save 15% with the entire 12 week Autumn term bundle, which includes Pattern, Numbers 0-10, Sorting and Comparing, Measures and Shape.
If you are following the Early Maths Mastery long term plan, this is Unit 3 and falls in week 9 of the Autumn term.
Included in this download are:
A detailed planning document
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan
A printed resources file to support the planning
Key ideas and common misconceptions
A focus activity
A range of independent activities and notes on progression
Key questions for adults working with children
‘Keep up’ support ideas
Greater depth challenges
Prompt cards detailing key questions and extensions for each activity
A PowerPoint to introduce reasoning in the context of comparing numbers
If you’re interested in more maths mastery resources, try:
Unit 1: Pattern
Unit 2: Numbers 0 - 10
Unit 4: Measures
Unit 5: Shapes
Subitising game - Little Red Riding Hood (free resource)
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop for further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
Wouldn’t it be great to have all your research and maths planning done for the entire autumn term? Imagine how it would free you up to focus your time and energy on your pupils and on customising your provision to meet their needs and play to their interests.
This bundle will take care of the autumn term maths planning for you and provide you with a stash of activity ideas, printable resources and presentations to help you fly through the autumn term.
All units are updated for the September 2021 EYFS Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) guidance.
These units of work are thoroughly researched, based on maths mastery principles and contain over 30 pages of detailed plans with notes on progression, differentiation, misconceptions, questioning and key ideas. There is a wide range of hands-on, fun activity ideas as well as more than 100 pages of printable resources and accompanying PowerPoints.
Everything in this massive resource is there to help the children build solid foundations in maths and the ability to think flexibly.
By purchasing this bundle of all five units, you are SAVING 15% off the individual price of each unit.
This time-saving, high-quality bundle includes:
Week 1: Pattern
Weeks 2 - 8: Numbers 0-10
Week 9: Sorting and comparing
Weeks 10-11: Measures
Week 12: Shapes (1)
A FREE taster unit is available if you would like to try before you buy. All Early Maths Mastery planning follows this format so you can be assured that the same high-quality planning, support information and range of activities will be included with any unit of work that you download.
This practical and comprehensive EYFS unit of work for the autumn term focuses on the use of everyday language to talk about size, weight and capacity to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Through hands-on, exploratory play, Early Years children are given rich opportunities to help them recognise the attributes of measure and spatial reasoning. A wide range of activities help them move their language on from ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’ to more specific vocabulary, e.g. taller, wider, lighter, etc. Opportunities are planned to develop their understanding of measure from direct comparison, to indirect comparison and then beginning to understand the use of units to compare items.
Click HERE to save 15% by buying the Autumn term bundle, which includes Pattern, Numbers 0-10, Sorting and Comparing, Measures and Shapes.
If you are following the Early Maths Mastery long term plan, this is Unit 4 and falls in Weeks 10 and 11 of the Autumn term.
The planned inputs and focus activities should be delivered to mixed ability groups so that all children are exposed to the same rich language and ideas.
Included in this download are:
A detailed planning document
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan
A printed resources file to support the planning
Key ideas and common misconceptions
A focus activity for each week
A range of independent activities and notes on progression
Key questions for adults working with children
‘Keep up’ support ideas
Greater depth challenges
Prompt cards detailing key questions and extensions for each activity
If you’re interested in more maths mastery resources, try:
Numbers 0-10
Sorting and Comparing
One more and one less
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop on TES for further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
These Reception units of work are thoroughly researched, based on maths mastery principles and contain detailed plans with notes on progression, differentiation, misconceptions, questioning and key ideas.
Save 20% when buying both Shape units of work together
There is now no Early Learning Goal specifically for shape but the EYFS Framework stresses that it is important to include rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space (and measures). This unit has got you covered with a wide range of hands-on, fun activity ideas as well as printable resources and accompanying PowerPoints that will help your class build strong foundations in spatial reasoning and shape. (If you’re looking for help with measures as well - check out our ‘Measures’ planning unit and resources).
A FREE taster unit is available if you would like to try before you buy. All Early Maths Mastery planning follows this format so you can be assured that the same high-quality planning, support information and range of activities will be included with any unit of work that you download.
28 days of home school maths activities for pre-school and reception children based on the Early Years curriculum. Open-ended activities encourage talk and use of mathematical language in a fun, engaging and easily-resourced way.
This first of two Early Years shape mastery units, packed full of hands-on, engaging, independent activity ideas and planned whole class and small group work to build on children’s emerging shape knowledge.
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
Children are encouraged to notice, investigate, play with and talk about shapes to develop their understanding of what each property means in practical, real world terms. Shape-based language is scaffolded and acquired in context, making the learning meaningful and long-term
Click HERE to save 15% with the entire 12 week Autumn term bundle, which includes Pattern, Numbers 0-10, Sorting and Comparing, Measures and Shapes.
Planning is provided for one week including:
daily inputs
an adult-led focus activity
engaging independent activities allowing children to make choices about their own learning
notes on key concepts and common misconceptions
ideas for keep up support
greater depth extensions
mastery questioning prompts for adults
A printed resources file and two accompanying presentations are also included in your download.
Save 25% when purchasing both Shape planning units from Early Maths Mastery
Looking for more maths mastery resources for Reception?
Numbers 0-10
Sorting and Comparing
1 more and 1 less
Shape bundle
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop to explore further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery.
Are you looking for ideas or support for teaching children to recognise the pattern of the counting system as they verbally count beyond 20? This comprehensive, researched unit of work will provide you with 5 weeks’ worth of quality planning, stacks of activity ideas, presentations and a massive 85 pages of printed resources to support your teaching.
Planning is provided for the spring term of Reception for 5 weeks, allowing plenty of time for children to continue to revisit and practise in order to embed this significant new Numerical Patterns ELG through the remainder of the academic year.
Each week’s planning includes daily inputs, adult-led focus activities and a wide range of engaging, independent activities that allow children to make choices with their own learning. Comprehensive notes are provided in the planning so that all adults working with the children understand the learning journey, what to look out for and how to support or extend pupils appropriately.
What’s included in this unit?
A detailed planning document for 5 weeks of mastery of numbers beyond 10, including verbally counting beyond 20 and recognising the pattern of the counting system
A suggested long-term maths mastery plan
85 pages of resources to support teaching and classroom activities
Notes on key concepts, misconceptions and errors, ideas for keep up support, greater depth extensions and mastery questioning
Introduction to counting beyond 10 - PowerPoint
Representing numbers - PowerPoint
Missing number problems - PowerPoint
Number square fragments pdf
Numbers - read aloud pdf
I’ve spent lots of time researching this Early Learning Goal and carefully planning a progression across the 5 weeks. I hope that it’s helpful for you and saves time that I know you can spend in so many crucial ways. Enjoy!
Interested in more Early Maths Mastery planning?
Numbers 0-10
Composition of numbers to 10
Shape bundle
* Autumn Term planning and resources bundle
Visit the Early Maths Mastery shop on TES for even more resources for teaching early maths!
One week of Early Maths Mastery planning for early years for you to try for free!
Updated for the September 2021 EYFS Statutory Framework and revised Development Matters (non-statutory) curriculum guidance.
This week’s worth of Reception planning plus accompanying printed resources file and PowerPoints are taken from week 3 of the Numbers 0 - 10 unit of work aimed primarily at Reception aged children but easily adaptable for younger children in EYFS.
The planning begins with an overview of the week’s learning including:
EYFS and Development Matters references for learning progression
key ideas
misconceptions and common errors
keep up support
going deeper ideas for promoting greater depth
planning for the focus task that will repeat throughout the week with a different group of children each day
The next section provides a short, progressive and interleaved whole class input for each day of the week.
You won’t find “less able” or “more able” activities planned in Early Maths Mastery planning materials. Instead, you’ll find going deeper and keep up support information, helping you work responsively with children in the moment rather than pre-judging their access in advance.
A fun and creative range of activities related to the learning focus are provided for the week. You set up once and then ideas are given for extending the activity as the week progresses, or for children who show secure understanding. Suggested questions are provided on the right of each activity to help adults facilitate deeper understanding and probe for misconceptions.
All printed resources referenced in the planning can be found in the resources file included with this download. Two subitising powerpoints are also included and are referenced in the planning.
All Early Maths Mastery planning follows this planning format so you can be assured that the same high quality planning, support information and range of activities will be included with any unit of work that you download.
A bit more of a challenge for children beginning to subitise well - can they find numbers in these pieces of artwork?
The lovely range of images spark discussion and encourage children to see numbers in even more ways. When using these kinds of images with my class, I’m impressed by the way in which children start to generalise the concept and begin to see numbers all over the place. They enjoy pointing out number patterns that they see in everyday life and it’s a real pleasure to see their enthusiasm for it.
If you’re enjoying subitising with your class too, make sure you download the following free resource:
Little Red Riding Hood - subitising game
Follow Early Maths Mastery on TES to be notified when further resources are uploaded!
This FREE presentation will introduce your pupils to the idea of objects and numbers being equal and how the equals symbol represents this ‘sameness’. Fun images and lots of opportunities for discussion mean that children are involved and engaged as they begin to develop their understanding of equal and the equals symbol.
If you enjoyed this resource, visit the Early Maths Mastery shop for further planning and resources for teaching maths mastery!
Try this early years subitising game for a traditional tales topic or pupils who enjoy the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In this fun animated presentation, Little Red must look out for the big bad wolves as they pop up then disappear quickly in the forest. Can students spot the number patterns and tell how many wolves there were without counting them individually?
Recognition of numbers 1 - 5 in this way, for example the dots on a dice, is known as perceptual subitising and is an important step in early maths when students are developing an understanding of number.
There are lots of opportunities for subitising out there and I strongly recommend teaching your pupils this key skill.
Follow Early Maths Mastery on TES to be notified when new products are uploaded.